CIR was founded by Fares Korkmaz in July 1996 and
incorporated under Lebanese laws as a limited liability
company. Its offices are located in Zouk Mikael - Kesrouan.

CIR is managed by its principal owner, Fares Korkmaz, and
renders its services through a distinctive network of talented
management consultants, field experts and general associates
in various business disciplines. In this respect, it fills a need for
many firms seeking to draw on competent outside resources to
supplement in-house skills' shortages and hence, accelerate
performance improvements or implementation of major expansion

CIR's interventions are tailored to the specific needs of each
Client and reflect the typical features of his particular business.
Equipped with a clear understanding of the local economic and
ever-changing market conditions,
CIR's approach to problem
solving is embodied within a comprehensive and strategic vision
of the Client's business evolution and market trends.

CIR will devote special efforts to capitalize on the strengths and
dynamics created by the entrepreneurial and family-run nature of
most of our Clients' activities. However, this prevailing
environment will not restrain
CIR from addressing the eventual
challenges to be faced by these Clients when transitioning to a
more institutional, professional-based status, whereby
management succession and continuity become the essential
elements in perpetuating the business.